North America ~ East

Reflections of, the way life used to be...

Down the deep river

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, and this house just ain't no home, anytime she goes away...

Pick Up Game

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Merry Go Round Farm Sunrise

toronto skyline

the last farm

bacon hall farm


brickyard road farm

pine grove schoolhouse

harwinton town sign

summer kitchen b&w

heart tree before the snow

heart tree sepia

heart tree in snow

star barn b&w

star barn reflection

old orchard beach pier

under the old orchard beach pier


west pier light

nauset beach light

times square reflection b&w

vendue wharf pier

sun sets on race point light

highland light in mist

harpers old country store

fishing boats at rest

folly beach storm

flagler bridge

crown farm's last stand

Toronto Skyline